True to its own history, Italy has a lot of historically relevant archives. Most of them have free access, but the peculiarities of the documents and the unique features of the archives could entail difficulties for those who have no experience in archive attendance. We offer different services for who needs archival researches but does not have the experience or the time to fulfill them.
Archival researches
This service is aimed to everyone who needs a research in any kind of Italian accessible archive, and that could be useful to write a book, an essay, a paper, etc. Public archives (State Archives and any other public institution's archive) are always open to the public. Also, ecclesiastical archives are usually open to those who provide a reasonable request. Some private archives had been patented as “interesse storico particolarmente importante” (“particularly important historical interest”) by Italian law, and they also are available with a reasoned request application. All researches are done according to Italian laws.
Parchments and manuscripts services
Medieval or modern manuscripts have often many technical difficulties (handwriting, abbreviations, language) that need specific skills to be understood. We offer different services in this field: transcriptions in Latin; Italian or English translations; summaries to help understanding the subject of the different documents.
Real estate registry views
Real Estate Registry surveys are aimed at checking real estate features like owners and/or burdens as liens or obligations. We can offer this service to everyone who needs to know the status of Italian estates.